Wednesday, January 04, 2006

More Pix from the Peripatetic Padre

Down this lane next to my trailer, you can see the lagoon. No beach right here, just rocks - but a five-minute walk to the right takes you to a lovely beach. The sign in the window says "Rhino Crossing."

There was a Lucille Ball movie, "The Long, Long Trailer." Here is my version. They have planted coconut tree along the side so that in twenty years it will be harder to see. (Which means they think this trailler will still be here in 20 years!)

Here is the back yard of my "new" (1962 vintage) trailer, with my infamous hammock, assorted seating for guests and a covered porch so I can smoke my cigars when it rains.

There is no way to look good when emerging from snorkeling - we call this one Father Fish.

Different views of life - here I am with one of the Prayer Leaders from Third Island, where I go to say Mass in Marshallese each Sunday. There is a wonderful musical called "Robert and ELizabeth" - this is John and ELizabeth.

And then there is sailing on a large tri-maran. Actually, someone else is sailing - I am sitting in "The Father's Chair" and supervising.

Tough work, but someone has to do it.

Here is one end of my narrow and not all that long living room. Decorated for Christmas - ie, stuff stuck everywhere. No decoration should NOT be put out, so once the tree is full, they get put on tables, hidden in lampshades. If you look at the Nativity scene carefully in another picture, you'll see four kings - one is a Santa ornament I couldn't find room for.

I still get a real kick out of being able to have a "real" Christmas tree ("Live" doesn't quite seem accurate.) Pine needles everywhere but the smell is so nice, the look of it - I spend hours between Christmas and New Year's just enjoying the tree and I do NOT take it down until January 6th (at the earliest - this year, January 9th). This is the other end of the living room.

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