Friday, March 07, 2008

March Madness

And I'm not talking about basketball. Actually, I realized to my chagrin that my last posting here was before "THE CONCERT" and I truly do have some catching up to do.

But for the nonce - I am still in New York, working part-time at St. Malachy's Church, the Actors' Chapel, and part-time at the Xavier Society for the Blind. Both jobs are on track to possibly turn into full-time jobs in the not too distant future, so I await word from my Provincial about which way I should point my nose.

I have done some singing - although nothing as extraordinary as my concert (of which there is a DVD - contact me for further information) - and I've been to Texas - and met a host of interesting people. All of which will be detailed in... well, detail... soon. I will be going to my 40th college reunion at Notre Dame this May/June, and may even get to go to the Annapolis graduation earlier in May. And as soon as the definite word is out, I will post it here. With more details about St/ Malachy's or the Xavier Society, depending on which way I go.

The picture at the top was taken in Texas - the picture at the bottom is St. Malachy's on 49th Street and 8th Avenue - right across from Spring Awakening.


Anonymous said...

John - So glad to see you back Blogging again. Miss you a whole bunch. Come visit!
I have just started my own blog and am linking to yours. Hope that is ok .. if not let me know.
All the best, Diane

Anonymous said...

Great blog, thanks for resuming it.
